While there’s been a lack of updates on the Uncovering Oklahoma web site, I certainly have been working for it. The result is the Uncovering Oklahoma Date Guide book. The book will be released later this week in the iBookstore for the iPad. I’ve been wanting to create a date idea book for some time now, but the practicality of printing a book has killed that notion until Apple released the iBooks Author application. I downloaded it the day it was released and started work on the book.

I’m really proud and happy with how the first edition turned out. There are over 25 different ideas for dates with sections on Oklahoma City, Bricktown, and Norman. There are photographs from every place and quotes from people as to why they think a place makes for a great date. The book was written for all types of couples and with all types of dates in mind. Future editions will include even more ideas and expand to other cities, including Tulsa. I’m barely scratching the surface, but I have to start somewhere.

As soon as it’s available, I will make an announcement of my first published book. Yay!

Another thing I’m proud about? My milage log for January. I’ve traveled for business more in that month than any other month I’ve traveled for business. The log includes stuff for the date guide book, the [Wild] Improv Challenge, and a mysterious new show that I have yet to announce here. Yay for being productive!
