I’m in a state of limbo with my projects. My book, The Crashing of Heaven and Hell, is with an editor and the cover is with artists. Yesterday at work I came up with an idea for a commercial for the book and I jotted it down during lunch. Now, I’m in a limbo state on that because I have to wait until it’s printed before I can film it. I’m aiming for an April release date.
Uncovering Oklahoma? I need to invest some money in advertising for the site. Before I do that, I’m going to improve the restaurant section. I brainstormed new content ideas last night that I’m going to work on. I haven’t started the second edition of the date guide yet. I want to release the next one in May with more cities and outdoor activities.
SoaH City? I have a friend of the site trying to bring some life back to the message board and the site.
Wild Improv Challenge? I have a few more videos in queue, but I need to film more soon to keep it weekly. The most watched video is challenge #3, which is so popular because I posted it on SoaH City to promote the show.
New Unannounced Improvised Show? Technically, I have several unannounced shows so I’ve added the hint of “improvised” to it. I have a logo designed. We a meeting back on February 20th to watch some videos to get inspired. We are all really excited about the show. We have dates and a location set to start filming on June 21st (yes, a long way away). I’ve touched base with a friend about building the set piece. One of the next steps will involve getting the cast together to film a promo video for it and start the fundraising!
And now for some funny pictures I’ve personally taken with my iPhone!

I saw this mural painted on the back of a truck on my way out from Wal-Mart. Yes, his truck is painted in it.

I saw this help wanted sign in Norman where I was walking around Campus Corner, taking pictures for Uncovering Oklahoma’s Date Guide.