On the 22nd I decorated a gingerbread TARDIS that my most fantastic S.O. baked just for me. I haven’t actually eaten it yet, but some things are just too pretty to eat. Although, I did eat some of the candies while decorating it and S.O. finished off the gumdrops yesterday.

If you want to make your own Gingerbread TARDIS, here are some helpful tips:
– If baking your own TARDIS, make sure the dough is well chilled (overnight is best) before you cut out the pieces.
– We used a picture of the TARDIS that we cut out and laid on top of the rolled-out cookie dough as a template. We then used a knife to cut out four of these sides.
– Bake according to the recipe! (Don’t exterminate it.)
– Use two people when frosting the TARDIS sides together. We used Betty Crocker Decorating Cookie Icing (Cream Cheese) because it hardens fast.
For the Doctor and companions, we used Ninja Cookie Cutters.
– We found a recipe for the angels, but the site I linked to is no longer around, so check out this place instead.
Have yourself a tasty Christmas!