Yesterday, I had some good travels with some good company. The first stop was to get some food at the pizza place, Joey’s Pizzeria (700 W. Sheridan Ave, Oklahoma City, OK, USA) on Film Row. Although they were busy and a bit short staffed during my visit, the pizza was delicious. I love what the city has done to the Film Row to improve it. The intersections have Hollywood movie art to them, such as spotlights and stars. I just wish more businesses, especially movie related ones, would open there. It would be awesome if there was even something small like a museum of autographs. *Hint!* Hint!*
One of the cool places to visit in Film Row, that I have yet to visit, is The Paramount, which is across the street from Joey’s Pizzeria. The Paramount is the most movie related place there as they have a movie club and show various classics. I’ve heard nothing but good things about them. I even have a quote from them to feature them in my date idea book.

Next we went to the main event: the Second Saturday Artist Opening at I.V.C. Gallery (710 N. Broadway Ave, Oklahoma City, OK, USA). The featured artists that night were J.T. Coburn & Oliver Chase Coburn, with handmade furniture and lighting designs by J.T. Coburn and Holo Transfer Art by Oliver Chase Coburn. I’ve seen the halo transfer art before and it’s just so vibrant. I love it.
I took some pictures of the event to update my photos of the gallery for the date idea book. This was my first time to actually visit the gallery for one of their art opening nights. I chatted with the gallery owner, Ian, and I mentioned that the next edition of the date book (which the gallery has been featured in) was going to be available in print, he offered to resale it! So, I have another place the book will be available. YAY!

Afterwards, we walked along Automobile Alley and visited the new retailer, Plenty. I wrote this short blog post on Uncovering Oklahoma highlighting the new shop. Plenty can be described as Restoration Hardware meets the local, do-good, and green shop movement. It’s worth a visit.
All and in all, another great night.