If you missed my time on No Fun Intended earlier this week, the podcast is online here. Here’s how they described the show:
We’re back!
Super stoked to be back in the FUNDERDOME and return to TheSpyFM.com!
Joined for our triumphant return, just in time for Valentine’s Day, by a fabulous panel of guests that included farmer/artist (fartist?) Samantha Lamb, super-comedian James Nghiem, and author Dennis Spielman. We discussed the finer things to do with your significant other/fuckbuddy on VDay, as well as donkeys, JJ Abrams, Han Solo, high-school reunions, duck-murder, and THEN still answered your emails!
The show was great! I was, they believed, their first book author on the show. Anyway, listen to my second podcast interview I’ve ever done (the first one being on The Time Traveling Troupe).