On Monday, August 20, 2013, I ran a free promotion for my sci-fi/fantasy novel, The Crashing of Heaven and Hell, allowing people to download the novel for free for the Kindle.
In total, The Crashing of Heaven and Hell was downloaded 96 times! Thank you! In the evening, it managed to reach #97 in the free Sci-fi section and #2,370 overall. To those that got it, I hope you enjoy it and recommend it to people. If you missed the promotion, those that have a prime membership and an actual Kindle can check it out for free (and I do get some money for this way).
Stick around as I have more great things to share.
My sci-fi/fantasy novel, The Crashing of Heaven and Hell, is currently free today for the Kindle. Enjoy this free gift for those visiting today. If you enjoyed the book, leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads and tell your friends about it.