For the Fourth of July, I went with some friends to watch the fireworks in Norman. I took my camera and tripod with me and this year I did some long exposure photographs. I had seen a photo of this technique online and thought it was a cool idea to try out myself. Normally, I don’t care to take pictures of fireworks because I prefer to enjoy the moment and they never look that great anyway, however, these turned out amazing!
For this session, my f-stop was at 20 with an exposure time of one minute for most of the pictures. Because of the time it took to capture the image and then process it, I only took several photos, which also allowed me to enjoy the show not from a viewfinder.
We had a special viewing spot on top of a parking garage we enjoyed. We didn’t have to deal the mud, bugs, crowds, and the traffic from Reaves Park.
I hope you had a great weekend!