I want to take a moment to highlight the publications that featured my Tales Unveiled podcast last month. I’ve already shared them on social media, but I wanted to include them in a blog post for prosperity. On the About page for Tales Unveiled, I have all press coverage listed there too.

The first feature came from Stitcher, a major podcast service. Tales Unveiled was included in their Spooky Stories collection.
Jeff and I were invited to the Oklahoma Today Podcast to talk about ghost stories and the show. As they described, “Oklahoma Today editors Nate and Greg are joined by fellow podcasters Jeff Provine and Dennis Spielman of Tales Unveiled, which explores Oklahoma’s most haunted places, to talk about their favorite local ghost stories and learn more about Provine’s ghost tours.”
The last feature was in the Oklahoma Gazette, Halloween Guide: Invisible guests. This was the first time I was featured in the Gazette where I’m quoted and it’s my first full-page article too. My wife framed the article and it’s hanging up in our house. (For the record, Yes! Science! had a nice section featured about the Myriad Gardens event, but neither Pallas nor I were quoted as it was just about the event.) Now, I just need to work on getting on the front cover.
How has this translated for downloads? The second season started on September 13th. In the month of September, the show had a total of around 500 downloads. In October that number was 10,153! Episode downloads are now averaging between 1,000 to 2,000 whereas last season it was 100 to 500.
Even though Halloween is over, Jeff and I are still cranking out more episodes. Our Tulsa episode comes out Friday and next week will be Enid. We’re working on recording more with plans to end the season with a total of 14 episodes on Friday, December 13, 2019.
Thank you, everyone, for listening and sharing Tales Unveiled! I would love it if you would leave a rating and review of the show on your favorite podcast provider. Your reviews do help other people discover the show and get noticed by the providers for possible collection features.