Drawn by an urban legend about a mysterious abandoned village, Haley “The Sounds” Riot and Robin Bee embark on an eerie adventure to uncover the truth. With Haley’s future-predicting music player in hand, the duo navigates the overgrown ruins, unraveling the secrets of a community that vanished without a trace.
* This story is episode 2 of The Sounds series.
UPDATE January 17, 2025: As part of a new story release, this episode has been updated to expand details and overall improve.
Haley Riot tugged on the purple musical note dangling from the retractable band around her neck. Her brand-new networker, sleek and stylized like two beamed eighth notes, sprang to life, projecting a glowing three-dimensional map into the air above her palm. The holographic display revealed their position deep within the woods, surrounded by dense clusters of trees and faint, winding trails. Beside the map hovered a swirling collage of digital postings and fragmented news clippings, each one steeped in mystery. Words like “buried treasure,” “unsolved murders,” and “ghostly apparitions” floated amidst the blur of images. Yet none of the accounts provided proof—only tales of explorers who vanished after daring to venture too close.
Haley’s jaw tightened as she studied the display, her green eyes flicking from one piece of information to the next. After solving the murder at the Kruder Hotel, she felt a pull toward unraveling more mysteries–and to better understand the enigmatic music player had a knack for predicting the future.
Behind her, Robin Bee dropped onto a moss-covered log with an audible sigh, the weight of their trek visible in the slump of her shoulders. Sweat glistened on her blue-tinted skin, her ghaukvoi physiology doing little to stave off the oppressive heat. She fanned herself halfheartedly, her gaze flicking to Haley with a mix of exasperation and curiosity.
“How much farther?” Robin asked, wiping her brow. Her tone teetered between a complaint and genuine curiosity.
Haley flicked her wrist, dismissing the glowing map with a fluid motion. The vibrant projections dissolved, allowing the woods to reclaim their shadows. “Just down this hill,” she said, pointing toward a steep incline ahead. “We’re close.”
Robin let out a low groan, leaning back against the log. “Good. I didn’t think this hike was going to turn into an endurance test.”
Haley adjusted the strap of her backpack, a sly grin playing across her face. “You really need to let me train you at the parkour gym. Besides,” she added, with a teasing glance over her shoulder, “it wouldn’t be an abandoned village if there was a light rail stop nearby.”
Robin chuckled, sitting upright to meet Haley’s gaze. “Fair point.” She gestured toward the pocket where Haley kept the music player. “So, does your magic music box have any sage advice for us before we get there? Or is it saving the ominous warnings for later?”
Haley hesitated, caught between Robin’s teasing tone and the very real questions gnawing at her own mind. Solving one murder with the music player’s cryptic guidance hadn’t erased Haley’s own doubts about the device. She fished the small device from her pocket and posed a question.
“What should we know before we approach the village?” she asked aloud then pressed the shuffle button. She read the answer for Robin. “‘Endless War.’”
Robin’s exasperated sigh was immediate. “Well, that’s reassuring,” she said, rising to her feet. “I’m ready to head out whenever you are.”
Haley frowned, tucking the music player back into her pocket. The title nagged at her, but no immediate answers came to mind. “Let’s go,” she muttered, leading the way downhill.
The steep descent forced Haley to watch her step as loose soil and jagged rocks shifted underfoot. The air seemed heavier as they ventured deeper, and the dense canopy above dimmed the sunlight. A sudden sting sliced across her calf.
“Ouch!” she yelped, glancing down to see a thin red scratch on her pale skin.
“You okay?” Robin asked, her tone sharp with concern as she stopped a few paces behind.
Haley rubbed the fresh scratch on her leg, frowning. “Something scratched me.”
Robin’s amused grin flickered as she brushed a stray leaf from her jeans. “Told you to wear pants like me,” she teased, but her smirk vanished when a sharp gust scraped across her shin. “Ow! What the—something scratched me, too.”
When Robin got scratched, Haley knew her imagination wasn’t playing tricks. While Haley was human, Robin’s thick, blue ghaukvoi skin was far tougher than her own. Before they could investigate, another sharp sting raked across their legs, then another.
“Damn it!” Haley cursed as she and Robin swatted at their legs and stumbled forward, trying to escape the invisible assault. The stinging gusts persisted, driving them downhill at a frantic pace. The attacks subsided as they reached the bottom of the hill.
Robin collapsed onto a rock, rubbing her legs as her golden eyes scanned the underbrush for their unseen attackers. A faint rustling in the tall grass caught her attention. She squinted, focusing on the chaotic movement of tiny figures.
“Wind ants,” Robin said, her voice equal parts irritation and relief.
“Wind ants?” Haley repeated, brushing dirt and leaves from her scratched calves.
Robin nodded, pointing at the shimmering insects. Their translucent bodies glimmered faintly in the dappled light as they hurled concentrated gusts of wind at one another, their movements erratic and aggressive.
“They’re territorial little bugs that attack with air currents. I read about them on the light rail,” Robin said, her tone flat. “Looks like two colonies are fighting for this hill.”
Haley’s face lit up with sudden realization. “Like they’re in an endless war!”
Robin crossed her arms and raised a skeptical eyebrow. “That’s… a bit of a stretch.”
“But it makes sense,” Haley said, the sting of the scratches forgotten in her enthusiasm. “Come on. We’re here.”
Nature had reclaimed much of the remote settlement. Vines crept along the cobblestone walls, and moss blanketed the domed roofs of the small homes. According to Haley’s research, the settlement once housed around twenty-five people who had chosen to live off the grid. A dozen dome-shaped residences encircled a now-crumbling community center, all constructed from the same brown cobblestones that had grown mottled and soft with time. Wild, overgrown gardens sprawled between the buildings, their tangled vegetation reclaiming the paths and open spaces that once connected the villagers.
“This place is actually kind of cute,” Robin admitted, scanning the area with appreciation and unease. “Not sure I’d feel the same way at night, though.”
Haley chuckled, shifting the weight of her backpack. “Good thing we’ve still got plenty of daylight to work with.”
Robin’s eyes lingered on the abandoned homes. “So, where do we start?”
Haley scanned the overgrown village, her eyes narrowing as she surveyed the domed houses. “Let’s check out a few of the houses first. I want to make sure this place really is abandoned.”
Robin gave a short nod. “Lead the way.”
They approached the nearest house, the wooden door hanging askew, its rusted hinges bent like twisted metal joints. Haley knocked, her knuckles thudding against the weathered wood. “Hello?” she called, her voice cutting through the still air.
The door groaned as it shifted slightly under her knock, the sound scraping against their ears. Robin stiffened when the hinges screeched, the noise crawling up her spine. Haley pressed her hand to the door and pushed, the rough wood dragging under her palm. The gap widened enough for her to step through, her flashlight cutting into the shadows.
“Hello? Is anyone here?” Haley’s voice rose as she moved cautiously into the house.
Robin hesitated, her golden eyes flicking toward the trees behind them before she followed. The air inside was dense, carrying the damp smell of rotting wood and mildew. Haley’s flashlight swept across the room, revealing a single space using furniture to create distinct areas. A dining table stood at the center, chairs tucked perfectly beneath. Candles lined the shelves and windowsills, their wicks blackened but unlit, dust clinging to their bases. The whole place felt to them like the occupants had simply walked out.
As Haley examined the dining area, the liquid in the oil lantern on the table shimmered faintly, reflecting the light from her networker. Beside the lantern was a small bottle of oil for refilling. She lifted the dusty lantern, tilting it back and forth.
“They really did live off-grid,” Haley said, returning the lantern and picking up the bottle of oil. “I don’t think I’ve seen oil like this. I wonder if they made it from some nearby plants?”
Robin opened a nearby cabinet, revealing rows of glass bottles. “I wouldn’t say they were entirely off the grid,” she said, raising an eyebrow. “Looks like they had a pretty impressive alcohol collection.”
Haley tucked the small oil bottle into her backpack as she walked over to peer into the cabinet. “Huh. Interesting.” She ran her fingers over the dusty bottle labels, her brow furrowing. “It’s strange, though. It feels like whoever lived here left in a hurry, but why didn’t they come back?”
“Maybe they didn’t get the chance,” Robin said. “Want to head back?”
Haley’s response was immediate. “Not yet. I want to check a few more houses and then see what’s inside that big building.”
The next three homes told the same unsettling story: dust-covered belongings abandoned in place, as if the occupants had simply vanished. Clothes remained folded in drawers, canned food lined the shelves, and keepsakes sat untouched on tables.
In the fourth house, something caught Haley’s eye—a crimson wooden spoon resting on the kitchen counter. She picked it up, running her fingers along its smooth surface. The sight triggered a vivid memory of the day she met Robin. Haley had decided to try a different coffee shop out when Robin spotted Haley with her rainbow hair, thinking Haley would be the perfect test subject for Robin’s new recipe. Haley could still feel the warmth of that moment—the way Robin had playfully shoved a rainbow muffin into her mouth with a spoon just like this one, her laughter filling the room.
A soft smile spread across Haley’s face as she slipped the spoon into her pocket, the memory lingering like a warm ember. Stepping outside, she turned to Robin. “Same story as the others.”
Robin crossed her arms. “I’m curious. If everyone here disappeared, how did you hear about this place?”
Haley strolled through the overgrown courtyard, recalling the story. “It was kind of random, actually. One day, I was waiting for you to get off work, sipping my latte, and overheard this conversation at the next table. They were talking about weird, unexplained stuff, and one of them brought up the Babylon Sisters Village. Apparently, they came out here to deliver something for a wedding but got delayed. When they finally arrived, the place was empty—completely abandoned. That stuck with me. So, I started digging, but there wasn’t much to find. It’s a tiny community, after all. I did see a few posts from people saying they wanted to explore the area themselves, but none of them ever followed up.”
Robin frowned. “What do you mean, ‘never followed up’? Like, they didn’t go?”
“Maybe,” Haley said, hesitating for a beat. “Or… maybe they disappeared, too.”
Robin raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. “And you’re not worried about disappearing?”
Haley smirked and held up her music player. “Not when I’ve got this.” When Robin gave her a skeptical look, she quickly added, “And you, of course.”
“Smooth,” Robin muttered. She gestured toward the music player. “That thing tell you how this all started?”
Haley tilted the device, as if consulting an oracle. “What caused everyone to disappear?” she asked, then tapped the shuffle button. The screen displayed the words: “My Heart is Burning.”
Robin tilted her head. “That’s—”
“Don’t finish that thought,” Haley interrupted, holding up the device again. “How does Robin feel about that news?” She tapped shuffle and grinned at the result. “Okay, now finish.”
“Spooky,” Robin deadpanned.
Haley showed her the song title on the screen, “Spooky,” prompting an exaggerated eye roll from Robin. “You set me up,” Robin muttered.
“What? Me?” Haley replied, feigning innocence. “I would never.”
Robin rolled her eyes so dramatically it was almost theatrical, then nodded toward the large dome structure at the heart of the village. “Okay, enough games. Let’s check that building now.”
“Right behind you,” Haley said, her playful smirk softening as she followed.
Blocking the wide double doors was a massive wooden crate, stamped with the logo for the retailer, Journal of Ardency, in bold, black ink. Haley ran her fingers along the weathered surface, noting the rough texture and faint splinters catching the edges of her palm. The crate looked old but sturdy, the sheer size sparked wonder about the contents.
“Let’s take a peek,” Haley said, prying the top loose with little effort. She lifted the lid just enough to shine her flashlight inside. The beam revealed a disorganized collection of wedding supplies: crumpled lace tablecloths, shimmering gold runners dulled by time, and unopened bundles of pale pink napkins. Compostable plates and cutlery were crammed into one corner, their packaging slightly yellowed with age.
Haley reached in and pulled out a chair cover embroidered with the word “Mr.” in elegant script. She turned to Robin with a proud smile.
“Look! This must be the wedding supplies that were left here!”
Robin ran her fingers over the fabric, feeling the soft, slightly dusty material. “This is nice. I wonder why this box is blocking the doors, though?”
“Good question.” Haley stepped back, planting her hands on the crate and giving it a hard shove. It didn’t budge. She frowned, leaning her weight into it, her boots scraping against the ground as she struggled. “What the…? Why is this thing so heavy?”
Robin crossed her arms, one brow arched in mild amusement. “Maybe it’s not supposed to move?”
Haley shot her a mock-annoyed look. “Or maybe it’s just packed to the brim. Come on, help me out?”
Robin sighed with theatrical exaggeration but couldn’t suppress the hint of a smirk. “Fine. Let’s see what’s behind this thing.”
Together, they pressed against the crate, their combined strength forcing the bulky container with a loud, grating scrape. Finally, after one last push, the crate slid far enough to clear the double doors.
Both women straightened, catching their breath. Robin adjusted her backpack and gestured toward the now-cleared doors. “Moment of truth.”
The scene inside stopped them both in their tracks. Sunlight poured through the tall, arched windows, casting golden beams across a reception hall that looked like a blank canvas for guests who never arrived. Polished wooden floors gleamed under the light, their surface so smooth the room reflected back like a mirror. The air carried a faint, almost sweet scent—like flowers long since wilted but lingering despite the lack of any plants in sight.
“Whoa,” Robin murmured, her voice low with awe. “This… isn’t what I expected.”
Haley stepped forward cautiously, her boots echoing softly against the floor. “It’s spotless,” she said, her tone edged with unease.
Robin scanned the room, her expression darkening. “All those houses we saw were covered in dust. Why isn’t this?”
Haley felt a chill creep along her spine as her gaze landed on the room’s centerpiece: a massive red rug sprawled across the floor. The fabric shimmered faintly, its crimson hue seeming to ripple like water under the sunlight.
“Check out that rug,” Haley said, pointing. “Looks… out of place, doesn’t it?”
Robin caught Haley’s arm as she took a step closer. “Wait. Something’s not right.”
Haley turned to her, frowning. “What do you mean?”
Robin’s golden eyes narrowed, fixed on the rug. “It’s too clean in here. Too perfect. This doesn’t fit with the rest of the village.”
Haley pulled her music player from her pocket. She whispered, “What danger should we be aware of here?” Her finger hovered before pressing the button.
The screen lit up with a single word: “Quicksand.”
Haley glanced at Robin, her mouth slightly agape. “Quicksand?” she repeated softly.
Robin stiffened. “Quicksand… in here?”
Haley didn’t answer. Instead, she reached into her pocket, pulling out the wooden spoon she’d found earlier. With a quick toss, she flung the spoon onto the rug.
The change was instantaneous. The fabric jolted, snapping shut like the jaws of a predatory beast. The spoon disappeared into the folds, vanishing without a trace.
Robin’s voice sliced through the stunned silence. “Run!”
The rug began to undulate, rippling and slithering toward them with unnatural speed. The couple bolted for the doors, slamming them shut behind them. They shoved the massive crate back into place with frantic urgency, their breaths coming in sharp, panicked gasps.
Gasping for air, they turned just in time to see a towering figure bounding toward them. Sunlight glinted off the dark brown fur of a sasquatch, who was carrying a bundle of tote grocery bags in his arms. “Don’t go in there!” he yelled, his deep voice laced with panic.
Haley glared at him, still catching her breath. “Too late. What the hell was that thing?”
The sasquatch hesitated, his wide eyes darting between the two women.
Robin stepped forward, her voice dropping to a low, dangerous tone. “What was it?”
The sasquatch inhaled deeply before speaking in a hushed, shame-filled tone. “A cursed carpet.”
Haley softened, her expression shifting as she turned to the towering figure. “Okay, we might be able to help. But first—how did this all begin?”
With a heavy sigh, the sasquatch lowered himself onto a nearby rock, bringing his hulking frame closer to eye level. His fur rippled under the faint breeze as his shoulders sagged. “You could say my heart was burning with pain,” he muttered, his deep voice carrying a raw edge of regret.
Haley and Robin exchanged a glance but said nothing, letting him continue.
“The woman I loved was arranged to marry someone else,” the sasquatch said, his gaze fixed on the ground. “I wanted to spook their parents, so I bought this rug from this traveling merchant. Thought it would send a message—a bad omen, you know?” He let out a bitter chuckle, though no humor existed. “They told me the rug would bring bad luck, so I placed the rug in our community center, and when the whole village came together to prepare, that damned thing came alive. It ate them all. Even her.” His voice broke slightly, and he let out a long, exhausted breath. “I’ve stayed here ever since, trying to ensure no one else gets hurt.”
He paused, his shoes tracing idle patterns in the dirt. “I thought maybe it would starve to death eventually, but… no luck.”
Haley’s face tightened, disbelief and sympathy mingling. “But the carpet’s still alive and kicking,” she said quietly.
The sasquatch nodded grimly, his large hands curling into fists.
Robin crossed her arms, her sharp golden eyes narrowing. “Did you go back to the merchant?”
“I did,” he said, his voice rising with frustration. “But they were gone. I asked around the market, but no one remembered seeing them. It’s like they never existed.”
Haley reached for her music player, her fingers steady despite the tension in the air. “How do I kill the cursed carpet?” she asked, pressing shuffle. The screen displayed the answer, and she nodded with a sharp breath of determination.
“Simple enough,” she said, already turning to leave. “Be right back.”
The sasquatch tilted his head, his brow furrowing in confusion as he turned to Robin. “What’s she doing?”
Robin gave a slight shrug, the corners of her mouth twitching with faint amusement. “Her thing,” she replied casually. “I’m Robin, by the way.”
“Francesco,” the sasquatch replied, his voice softening as a flicker of hope broke through his weary demeanor. “And… sorry for not warning you earlier. I was out getting groceries.”
Robin waved a dismissive hand. “No worries. Just glad you’re here now.”
Haley returned moments later, clutching a glass bottle stuffed with a rag. The sharp scent of alcohol wafted faintly through the air as she approached. “Alright, open the door and be ready to close it fast,” she said, her tone sharp and decisive.
Robin and Francesco didn’t hesitate. With a shared grunt of effort, they pushed the heavy crate aside, the wood scraping loudly against the cobblestones until the double doors were exposed.
Haley struck a match, the tiny flame springing to life with a hiss. She touched the fire to the soaked rag, which ignited instantly, flames licking upward hungrily. With a single motion, she hurled the makeshift Molotov cocktail inside.
The bottle soared through the air, shattering on the massive red rug. Orange flames erupted, spreading quickly across the fabric’s surface.
The rug unleashed a piercing wail that clawed at their ears. As the flames singed away the fabric, the creature’s true form unfurled, revealing jagged, fang-like protrusions along its border that snapped and gnashed at the air. From its center, a single, lidless eye emerged, bloodshot and unblinking, fixing its gaze on them with a searing, hateful intensity.
“Close it!” Haley shouted, grabbing the door handles and slamming them shut with Robin’s help. The beast crashed against the wood, its immense weight bowing the old frame inward as Francesco heaved the crate back into place with a grunt of effort.
The sounds of crackling flames blended with guttural, otherworldly wails that seemed to seep through the doors, sending icy pricks down their spines.
“Shouldn’t this thing be dead already?” Robin yelled, pressing her shoulder hard against the door as the creature groaned under the relentless pounding.
Francesco, trembling, shook his head. “It’s a cursed entity! Of course it wouldn’t go down that easy!”
“Did the fire make it stronger or something?” Robin asked, her voice strained as her muscles locked against the force slamming into the door.
“It certainly made it mad,” Francesco muttered, his fur bristling as the door shuddered under another blow.
Haley clenched her jaw, pulling out her music player again. “What’s the next move?” she demanded, tapping shuffle. Her eyes widened as the answer flashed on the screen. “Ring of Fire,” she read aloud.
Robin, panting as she braced herself against the door, shot Haley a skeptical glance. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“We need to trap the rug in a circle of flames,” Haley said, her eyes darting around the courtyard. She spotted rusted lanterns swaying from ropes strung between the buildings and pointed. “Francesco! Those lanterns—are they filled with oil?”
Francesco hesitated before nodding. “Yes, but they haven’t been touched in—”
“Doesn’t matter,” Haley interrupted. “Grab as many as you can!”
“Me?” Francesco questioned, his voice cracking.
“Yes, you,” Haley snapped. “You’re the tallest here. Bring them here, and I’ll pour the oil into a circle here.”
With a deep breath, Francesco leaped into action, yanking the rope to slide the lanterns down one by one. He caught each one, his large hands fumbling slightly under the weight of the rusted metal, and rushed them over.
Robin dug her heels into the cobblestones, her muscles trembling as she pressed harder against the door. The splintering wood groaned, and each blow from the creature sent vibrations rattling through her body.
Haley tossed the package of matches she found to Francesco and uncorked one of the lanterns. She sniffed the contents and recoiled as a sharp metallic tang hit her nose. The oil gleamed with a faint purple hue, glinting in the fading sunlight. She didn’t stop to question it. Whether luck or fate, this was their only shot.
She crouched and began pouring the strange oil in a wide circle in front of the building, the liquid spilling smoothly and leaving an iridescent sheen on the cobblestone. Francesco scrambled back and forth, his powerful strides carrying more lanterns as fast as he could.
The door behind Robin splintered further, the cracks spreading like jagged lightning. “How much longer, Haley?” she asked, her voice strained.
“Almost there!” Haley shouted, her hands trembling as she emptied the last lantern. The eerie sheen of the oil gleamed brighter as the sun dipped lower, casting long shadows across the courtyard.
The door burst apart with a deafening crack, splinters flying as the rug surged through. Robin dove to the side just in time, the monstrous fabric snapping the crate into jagged shards in a single, savage motion. Frayed edges of fabric lashed outward like tentacles, each one tipped with jagged, gleaming fangs. The beast advanced, its movements unnervingly fast and predatory.
“Francesco, light it now!” Haley shouted as she and Robin sprinted to join him outside the newly formed ring.
The sasquatch struck a match, his trembling fingers nearly fumbling the stick, and flung the flame toward the glistening circle. The fire erupted with a sharp whoosh, leaping to life in an instant. But instead of the expected orange glow, the flames roared to life in a vivid, surreal purple. The flames crackled and hissed, casting threatening shadows across the courtyard.
The rug halted abruptly, its edges recoiling as if burned. The creature twisted and thrashed, but every attempt to move forward faltered against the crackling barrier. Smoke rose from the beast’s edges, and an acrid, burning scent filled the air as its body to sizzle and char.
“What is this?” Robin murmured, staring at the fire in awe.
“The oil we used is extracted from shadow blooms,” Francesco said. “People always said those plants repel evil, but I thought it was just some old myth.”
“Doesn’t matter!” Haley shouted, stepping back as the rug convulsed violently. “It’s working!”
The purple flames clung to the beast like a purification entity, spreading across the creature’s surface. The creature let out a hiss that seemed to split the air itself, its once-powerful movements becoming sluggish. The fire surged, consuming the fabric in waves, until the cursed rug collapsed into a heap of smoldering ash.
Francesco approached the remains cautiously, his hands trembling as he scooped up a handful of the ashes. They felt cool and light, almost weightless. As the wind picked up, the ashes scattered into the air, disappearing into the sunsetting sky.
“It’s over,” Francesco whispered, his voice choked with relief.
Haley stepped closer, her music player already in hand. “Let’s make sure,” she murmured, pressing shuffle. The screen flashed the song titled Dust in the Wind.
She exhaled deeply, a grin spreading across her face. “It’s done.”
Robin slumped against her, her exhaustion finally catching up as she let out a quiet sigh. “Next time, we investigate something less homicidal—like a haunted bakery or something.”
Haley laughed, slipping an arm around Robin. “Deal.”
The trio stood in the quiet aftermath, the stars above shimmering as the village finally fell silent.
Night had fallen by the time Haley and Robin arrived at the light rail station to get home in Aequus. Francesco had chosen to stay behind in the village, wrestling with the question of where he truly belonged with the curse gone, though he had promised to reflect on his path forward. Haley and Robin stepped into the empty passenger car, the quiet offering a brief reprieve. They knew more commuters would fill as they got closer to the city, but for now, they could spread out and steal a moment of peace. Without a word, Robin curled up, resting her head on Haley’s lap. The simple, tender gesture sent a warm ache through Haley’s chest, a moment of quiet connection that felt like sanctuary amidst the lingering tension of the day.
“What does that thing say about how I feel about you?” Robin asked, her voice a gentle whisper, laced with a playful curiosity.
Haley couldn’t help the grin that broke across her face. She lifted the music player and tapped shuffle. “Really love you,” she read, her voice warm and steady.
Robin’s smile deepened, her gaze softening with an emotion Haley couldn’t quite name. Hope? Longing? Or something quieter, deeper? “Do you think it has any predictions about our future together?” Robin asked, the question slipping out like a half-formed thought, almost hesitant.
Haley hesitated, just for a breath. The lightness of Robin’s question didn’t match the faint tightening in her chest. With a flick of her wrist, she raised the music player. “Alright, what do you have to say about my and Robin’s future?” she asked lightly, though her grip on the device betrayed a flicker of unease.
She pressed shuffle. The answer appeared, and for a moment, Haley’s expression faltered—just enough for doubt to creep in. Then she smirked, sliding the device into her pocket before Robin could peek. “Champagne,” she said with a playful wink, masking the real response: “Can’t Cheat Death.”

Thank you for reading my February 2021 short story!
After writing about Detective Psychon last month, I knew I wanted to feature another story about Haley “The Sounds” Riot where she was solving some sort of mystery to test the music player. I got inspired by the writing prompt, “For years, people go missing in the nearby abandoned village, sparking dozens of theories about treasure, murder, and ghosts. The culprit? A carpet that traps and drowns them like quicksand.”
Like I did for Body Drop, I also solicited song suggestions from friends that I incorporated through the story in different ways. Those songs were: Journal of Ardency by Class Actress, Spooky by Classics IV, Babylon Sisters by Steely Dan, Don’t Call Me Back (feat. Francesco Yates, DJ Lux & AJ McLean), Really Love You by Paul McCartney, and Mein Herz Brennt by Rammstein. I also tossed in a few of my shuffled songs.
Story artwork brought to life by Mikey Marchan at Design Pickle.
I updated this story on January 17, 2025, to make major improvements, including expanding the drama and setting up for future episodes.
I hope you enjoyed this story! Read the next episode.