After celebrating 15 years of producing my local travel show, Uncovering Oklahoma, I’ve decided to rebrand and pivot to streamline my work, allow for new opportunities, and expand my reach. Spielventure takes the versatile German word Spiel, translating to game or play, and then combines it with Adventure. I’ve always been passionate about connecting people to new places, people, and experiences, so this new branding still aligns with my mission. 

With this pivot, I’ve shut down The Show Starts Now streaming video library app. Long story short, I stretched myself out too thin, hoping to get things started to make money and then hire people to keep everything going. However, that didn’t happen, and I want to avoid falling into a sunk-cost problem, hence the streamlined pivot to one show, one handle, and one website. I’ll still do different segments or series – just under one channel now. Now, the videos on the app will be released over time to the Spielventure YouTube channel because I want people to watch them, go to these places, and have these incredible experiences.

The video posted here provides more details about my entrepreneurial journey, the why, and what the future holds. I have a bunch of new content coming out, so please become a supporting member for early access, buy some merchandise, or make a one-time donation. Visit the new website at

Thank you for your support and happy adventures!