The real and imaginative adventures of Dennis Spielman

Author: Dennis Page 12 of 177

Cookies and Beer with Broke Brewing Company

Is Milk the Cookie’s best friend, or can craft beer take the title? In the 2024 season premiere of Uncovering Oklahoma, Charn Langford and Mike Groshong try dipping cookies into their beers at Broke Brewing Company.

I recorded this video a few months ago as part of another project. However, as part of an evaluation, I decided to release this as the new year’s first episode. This year also marks 15 years of me doing this show, and so I’m mixing up the format and trying new ways of storytelling. Expect to see more creative episodes this year. The logo has also been updated to reflect the new direction. 

Next week, the guys will taste their beers with Braum’s ice cream to find the best Craft Beer Float. Be sure to subscribe to the Uncovering Oklahoma YouTube channel for the latest content. New episodes are published on Thursdays!

Huge thanks to my Superstar Supporters on PatreonRevovle Productions, The Keller-Kenton Family, Christopher Lloyd, and Phi Nguyen! You can also help support Uncovering Oklahoma by subscribing to my online video library, The Show Starts Now. Your subscription there will help me continue this series while you get access to exclusive videos.

Brainstorming Session to Increase Following

Here’s a new comedy skit I made about a small business owner conversing with himself, brainstorming ideas to increase his social media following to increase sales.

Be sure to smash that like button and subscribe because I am also trying to increase my social media following to increase my sales. Love you! Thank you!

Take A Bite with Phi: Butcher BBQ and GangNam Korean BBQTake A Bite with Phi:

I want to encourage you to visit new places in the new year. I understand visiting unknown places can be awkward, so we’ve released this episode of Take A Bite with Phi on The Show Starts Now YouTube channel. Phi travels to Wellston, Oklahoma, to stop at the World-Winning BBQ joint Butcher BBQ Stand along Route 66. Then Phi learned all the tricks about Korean-Style BBQ at GangNam Korean BBQ in Moore.

I recently read an article about the growing anxiety of eating at new restaurants with Gen Z. As an elder Millennial, I know the challenge of getting out of your comfort zone. I hope this episode provides helpful insights into both restaurant experiences so you can visit confidently.

Happy New Year!

Huge thanks to my Superstar Supporters on PatreonRevovle Productions, The Keller-Kenton Family, Christopher Lloyd, and Phi Nguyen! You can also help support Uncovering Oklahoma by subscribing to my online video library, The Show Starts Now. Your subscription there will help me continue this series while you get access to exclusive videos.

Reflecting on 2023

If I had to describe my 2023 as a theme, I would say, “Building a Foundation for The Show Starts Now.” I’ve had brand consultations to get The Show Starts Now in order. While I launched the online video library in 2022, I took the service down shortly after release when I realized no one was subscribing, so I revamped the platform. I spent the year’s first half just getting the platform to a more prestable state, adding tons of content from my archives. Today, I’m proud of the state of The Show Starts Now, and my plans for 2024 are to build up the streaming service. I have some lofty ambitions, but for today, I will recap 2023.

Uncovering Oklahoma in 2023

Here are the Top 10 most-watched videos on the Uncovering Oklahoma YouTube during 2023.

  1. A Day in Bartlesville
  2. Great Salt Plains State Park
  3. Guthrie Ghosts
  4. Wicked Forest of Terror
  5. Oklahoma State Fair Food 2023
  6. Magnetic Hill in Springer
  7. Black Owned BBQ Restaurants Vol. 1
  8. Winchester Drive-In Theatre
  9. Gathering Place
  10. The Kobold Lounge

Top Songs of 2023

According to Spotify, which is how I mostly listen to music, this was my soundtrack for the year. Remember, I often repeat a song (or playlist) when writing or for inspiration sessions. Maybe you’ll find a new favorite song!

Plans for 2024

I’m keeping my plans for the new year close to my chest. I will reveal that Uncovering Oklahoma will get a soft reboot with a new logo, branding, and direction. I’ll discuss the changes in another update, but April 2024 will mark my 15th anniversary!

I am looking at starting a new show in the spring, and new seasons of past shows.

Hiking to Inspiration Point at Roman Nose State Park

Looking for a New Year’s Day Hike in an Oklahoma State Park? Hike to Inspiration Point at Roman Nose State Park. My wife and I recently did this hike and recommend this adventure.

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