The real and imaginative adventures of Dennis Spielman

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3×06 The Wilderness of Sutton

The Professor invites Sam for a walk through Sutton Wilderness in Norman to share his research on the area. Stories include the Sutton Goatman, spirits still working at the Griffin Memorial, and a disaster. 

Subscribe to new episodes of Tales Unveiled via Apple PodcastsGoogle PlaySpotifyStitcher, or anywhere you enjoy podcasts. New episodes on Fridays!

Tales Unveiled is a production of The Show Starts Now Studios and is produced by me, Dennis Spielman. The voice of Sam Saxton is Dennis Spielman. The voice of Professor Geoff DeRoot is Jeff Provine.

If you love what we’re doing, want us to keep being artist owned and patron supported, click here. In return, you can get bonus content, including early access to my other projects.

Behind the Scenes Commentary

This episode only featured myself and Jeff talking about history and ghost stories of Griffin and Sutton area of Norman. As described in the episode, we found ourselves a nice chunk of concrete to set up. The Sam narration about getting the date wrong was prompted by an error Jeff caught when reviewing the edited episode. Jeff also suggested adding a bit about describing the park to make it spookier.

Stay tuned for next week’s episode about Fort Washita! We got some jaw-dropping stories from our interviews there.

Re: Earth Refill Shop

In this week’s episode of Uncovering Oklahoma, my wife and I visited Jennifer at Re: Earth Refill Shop, Oklahoma’s first dedicated refillery with a mission to instill in people the beginnings of a waste less lifestyle. You can bring in their own containers and fill those containers with all-natural, biodegradable, eco-friendly, USA-made products for their home, body, pet, and bath. Ditch that single-use lifestyle, and start doing a refill lifestyle.

Visit Re: Earth Refill Shop at 8259 State Hwy 17, Elgin, OK 73538 or their Facebook page for more information.

Be sure to check out my previous story, Pink Elephant Coffee and Snowcones, which is also located in Elgin. Thank you to my supporters on Patreon for their continued support of making all my shows possible! Supporters get awesome rewards, like early access to my episodes. Big thanks to my superstar supporters: Revolve Productions and the Keller-Kenton Family. Join today!

3×05 Taking Stock of Ghosts in Stockyard City

Keeping closer to home, Sam and Geoff visit the Stockyard City district, a part of Oklahoma City they don’t normally visit. Cindy Scarberry from the Rodeo Opry Foundation was kind enough to host the interview session and brought Stefani and Greg to share tales of the unexplained in the district.

Subscribe to new episodes of Tales Unveiled via Apple PodcastsGoogle PlaySpotifyStitcher, or anywhere you enjoy podcasts. New episodes on Fridays!

Tales Unveiled is a production of The Show Starts Now Studios and is produced by me, Dennis Spielman. The voice of Sam Saxton is Dennis Spielman. The voice of Professor Geoff DeRoot is Jeff Provine.

Now, we would like to take stock of the people that we are thankful for sharing their stories with us for this episode. Thank you, Cindy Scarberry, Stefani, and Greg.

If you love what I’m doing, join me on Patreon and in return, you can get bonus content, including early access to other my other projects!

Thank you for listening to Tales Unveiled!

Behind the Scenes Commentary

I first met Cindy Scarberry when I was commissioned by the Arts Council OKC to do a series of educational videos. I told Cindy about the Tales Unveiled podcast and asked her if she had any ghost stories about the district and said she could gather some.

This is the first episode I got to use some new microphones that I got from Wish (which took like over two months before they arrived). I wanted a mic setup where guests didn’t have to touch or hold the microphone to reduce handling noise. They worked okay for the price, but I’m going to look into and invest in something better.

I’m happy with how well this episode turned out. It was great to get more stories about Oklahoma City. Stay tuned next week for our episode about Griffin Memorial and Sutton Wilderness.

Profile: Michael Carolina

Written by for the Oklahoma Venture Forum.

For over 30 years, the Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology (OCAST) has been the state’s agency for technology development, technology transfer, and technology commercialization. With Governor Kevin Stitt’s goal to make Oklahoma a Top 10 state, OCAST is doing its part through partnerships and collaborations to stimulate economic development and technology-based economic development.

“We help to get science and technology projects, support those through our grant process and elevate Oklahoma’s science and technology community so that we’re competitive nationally as well as globally,” explained OCAST’s Executive Director, Michael Carolina. “We have some leading-edge researchers and research companies that benefit from OCAST’s grants, and they’re able to attract federal grants as well as private money from the private sector to accelerate research to commercialization or conversion; the conversion of technology to the marketplace.”

With the task to grow and diversify Oklahoma’s economy, Carolina described his job as atypical. Before joining OCAST, he worked in management and executive positions with the Western Electric Company, AT&T and Lucent Technologies. While with AT&T and Lucent Technologies, he was involved in engineering, strategic planning, new product design and introduction, manufacturing, technology transfer, and joint venture operations in Europe, Asia and Latin America.

“I think in Oklahoma, we have an asset base here that’s pretty rich. Again, with our higher education system, with our industrial complex that includes energy and includes aerospace and defense, bioscience, biotechnology, information technology, manufacturing, healthcare,” Carolina said. “The healthcare industry is growing, and so I think there are a lot of things that we can point to that are strengths in a global economy.”

One example of OCAST’s success stories, which Carolina plans to discuss during his presentation for OVF, is the work of Craig Shimasaki at Moleculera Labs. 

“[Moleculera Labs] is doing some work now on the impact of COVID or the correlation of COVID and brain health and mental health,” Carolina said. “That’s a real success story. Craig Shimasaki was able to take an OCAST grant and leverage that with federal dollars as well as private investment to move the autism spectrum along. Hopefully, we’ll have some effective treatments for it.”

From research to pre-seed dollars to seed capital dollars to manufacturing through intern partnerships, OCAST is developing the local talent base Oklahoma needs to go forward and keep the state from losing engineering STEM talent.

“If we have the kind of industrial base that’s attractive to our graduates when they leave our higher education system, they’re more likely to stay in the state because they have jobs in their specific areas of study,” explained Carolina. “We can organically grow our own businesses from scratch. And that’s basically our task as OCAST, to help businesses grow organically.”

For Oklahoma to be top 10 in more areas, Carolina said it would require some strategic investment. By taking advantage of our geography, educational assets at the university level, industrial base, and the pioneer spirit of Oklahoma’s citizens, he believes we can make a difference and make Oklahoma relevant and competitive on a national and international scale.

“It requires working with our politicians, our legislature, the governor, and his team saying, how do we coalesce those assets, so that Oklahoma becomes not a Silicon Valley, but we can become a technology corridor,” Carolina said.

Michael Carolina will be speaking at the Oklahoma Venture Forum Power Lunch on Wednesday, October 14, 2020. Be sure to register for the online ZOOM event to learn more about OCAST, ask your questions, and network with entrepreneurs in Oklahoma. As a member, he encourages others to join the community and help with new ideas. He is looking to addressing the OVF and having some dialogue about where people think we should go next.

3×04 Wagon Trail Tales

It was June before Sam and the Professor saw each other again. The pandemic didn’t stop the Professor from his research and he was eager to meet Art Peters at the Hinton Historical Museum.

Subscribe Tales Unveiled’s Wagon Trail Tales episode via Apple PodcastsGoogle PlaySpotifyStitcher, or anywhere you enjoy podcasts. New episodes on Fridays!

Tales Unveiled is a production of The Show Starts Now Studios and is produced by me, Dennis Spielman. The voice of Sam Saxton is Dennis Spielman. The voice of Professor Geoff DeRoot is Jeff Provine.

We would like to thank Art Peters at the Hinton Historical Society for the wagon trail tales in this episode. 

If you love what we’re doing, want us to keep being artist owned and patron supported, click here. In return, you can get bonus content, including early access to my other projects.

Behind the Scenes Commentary

As described in the episode, it wasn’t until June before Jeff and I ventured off to record another episode. Jeff had been in contact with Art for his Haunted Oklahoma book he’s been working on.

After the interview, Art gave us a tour of the museum. I got a picture of the lipstick case you mentioned in the episode. If you plan a visit to the museum, be sure to also check out Red Rock Canyon Adventure Park (formerly known as Red Rock Canyon State Park).

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