The real and imaginative adventures of Dennis Spielman

Tag: Norman Page 13 of 16

Chili at The Red Cup

Oklahoma City Chili

In preparation for National Chili Day next week, I visited three restaurants in the Oklahoma City metro that serve bowls of chili as part of their regular menu. For this story, I traveled to Flint in Downtown Oklahoma City for their Bison Chili, The Red Cup in OKC for their vegetarian chili, and The Diner in Downtown Norman for their Championship Chili. The chili featured from each place is completely different from each other. Not only do all of these venues offer bowls of chili, but they also feature it on other menu items such as burgers.

National Chili Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in February, which will be on February 28th for 2019.

Be sure to read the full story at Uncovering Oklahoma for more information about these places, including some recommendations to other places.

I’m planning on doing more themed videos in the future for Uncovering Oklahoma. It gives me a chance to feature older, more established places and to revisit places I haven’t been to in a while. After all, just because a place has been around, doesn’t mean that it’s not new to someone else. As for future themes, National Corn Dog Day is coming up next month…

Coffee at Clarity Coffee - photo by Dennis Spielman

Digging Up The Truth

“Sam and Geoff conduct separate interviews with Sam getting a second opinion from Localites OKC on places they’ve visited and Geoff learning about the legendary Chinese Tunnels. Their conversations add new levels of mystery to the tales of Oklahoma.”

This is the second to the last episode of our first season! After the end of the season, we’ll do a Q&A video, so if you have any questions for us about the series, send us a message or leave a comment on social media and we’ll answer it in the video!

As for episode notes, throughout October our schedules were full, especially with Jeff hosting various ghost tours. We recorded the two main interviews last Friday and the last bit yesterday. I’m excited to work on the finale, which will heavily story focused. We do have plans for a second season, which we’ll start recording in the summer of next year. We’ll talk more about season two in the post-show video.

Tales Unveiled is a production of The Show Starts Now Studios and is produced by me, Dennis Spielman. The voice of Sam Saxton is Dennis Spielman. The voice of Professor Geoff DeRoot is Jeff Provine.

This episode featured the voice talents of Kayla Coffey & Anna Farha from Localites OKC as themselves; Paul Evans as Wendell Holmes; and Mel Roberts as Detective West.

Special thanks to Clarity Coffee and Waving Wheat Bakery for letting us record there.

Subscribe to new episodes via Apple Podcasts, Google Play, PodBean, Spotify, Stitcher, YouTube, or right here on my site. Episodes are released on the Second and Forth Fridays.

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Amy Cerato - photo by Dennis Spielman

Dr. Amy Cerato – A Geotechnical Engineer

Cerato is the Rapp Foundation Presidential Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Oklahoma. She researches and consults in geotechnical engineering, specifically focusing on soil stabilization, expansive soil mitigation and foundation design in problematic soils. She is a registered professional engineer in Oklahoma. She is the author of more than 50 technical papers and the recipient of the 2009 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) and 2008 National Science Foundation CAREER award. She is a member of the Deep Foundation Institute’s (DFI) Helical Pile and Tiebacks Committee and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Geo-Institute Committee of Engineering Geology and Site Characterization.

As for the future of the series, tomorrow, I recently interviewed Dr. Daniela Busciglio, a professor of applied linguistics and a Communications Strategist with DFB Consulting. I may do one or two more interviews before I conclude the second season of Yes! Science! I’m also working on an overarching documentary, which has interviews of everyone I’ve interviewed for the show, discuss the subject of women in STEM fields. I’m also already planning something really exciting for the third season, which I’ll share soon after I have some more conversations with people.

Dr. Sepideh Razavi - photo by Dennis Spielman

Dr. Sepideh Razavi – A Professor of Chemical Engineering

Dr. Sepideh Razavi is an assistant professor of chemical engineering at the University of Oklahoma. After obtaining her master’s degree from Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, Iran, she decided to move to the United States to pursue a doctorate degree. She received her Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the City College of New York in 2015 where she worked with Prof. Ilona Kretzschmar on the assembly and flow behavior of colloidal particles at fluid interfaces. She then joined the University of Michigan as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Prof. Michael Solomon’s lab and conducted research on the application of external fields to assemble anisotropic colloidal particles. Dr. Razavi joined the faculty at OU in 2018 and her research focuses on assembling soft functional materials.

Stay connected with the series by following on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. This series is supported via the Patrons of The Show Starts Now Studios. Became a patron to receive early access and bonus content.

Katie Wilson

Katie Wilson Profile for Yes! Science!

Dr. Katie Wilson is a research scientist with the Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies at NOAA’s National Severe Storms Laboratory. After first visiting the United States in 2010 to complete an exchange program at the University of Oklahoma, Katie decided to leave her home country of England and return to the University of Oklahoma to pursue graduate school. Her research interests during both graduate school and now as a research scientist has focused on studying the impact of new weather data and technologies on forecasters’ decision making processes. She has enjoyed conducting interdisciplinary experiments with NOAA National Weather Service forecasters that combine knowledge and methods from meteorology, human factors, and social science disciplines to answer pressing research questions.

Stay connected with Yes! Science! by following on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. This series is supported via the Patrons of The Show Starts Now Studios. Became a patron to receive early access and bonus content.

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